eBooks & Audio

You can download eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and Great Courses classes for free by visiting Bridges Website.

Download the Libby app on your phone or tablet to read eBooks or listen to eAudio on those devices. You can also visit the Libby Website for the desktop version.

Hoopla allows patrons to check out TV shows, movies, music albums, comics, eBooks, and eAudio and download or stream them on computers, phones, and tablets. Each movie, book, audiobook, comic, or music album downloaded is one check out. TV shows are one checkout per episode. Most movies and TV episodes can be checked out for 3 days, music albums for 7 days, and eAudio, comics and eBooks for 21 days. The monthly borrow limit resets on the first day of the new month. Previously borrowed titles will remain until their lending period expires, but you will be given your new month’s borrows. Spanish titles are available!

Due to rising costs and budgetary concerns, the library will be ending its Hoopla service at the end of August 2024. If there are titles on Bridges/Libby that you’re interested in reading, please put them on hold. We use holds to determine demand and direct our purchase of Advantage copies of books and audiobooks, which are purchased only for Marshalltown patrons. If there are titles that you’re interested in reading or listening to that are unavailable on Bridges/Libby, please email Katie Fink at kfink@marshalltown-ia.gov with requests. 

Hoopla website



Visit the eBooks For Kids link.

getting started

Never logged on to your library account before? Check out the video below!

Due to licensing restrictions, our services for downloadable eBooks & Audiobooks is now limited to residents of Marshalltown, rural Marshall County, and cities that contract with us for library services (Haverhill and Ferguson). Library privileges must be current. 

Our system will automatically allow or deny access to BRIDGES and Hoopla based on our record of your current residence. We regret limiting our download service, but we must comply with our contract. Our other services are not impacted by this change.

If you are not eligible to use BRIDGES or Hoopla through the Marshalltown Public Library anymore, we encourage you to contact your town’s library. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.


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